Monday, March 25, 2013

99 Life size animals...

Fun things found on the internets :)  
99 life size animals at a watering hole

Fan dance in POP culture

This is a video I found one morning while watching VH1 and getting ready for class. It took a while to find it but I finally did. In the video they fan dance just like the one we watched in class!     :)

Photo Copy Machines

I am doing a surrealist portrait. I got my cat to sit on the copy machine and photo copy his butt :)

Im basing it off a,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44158598,d.b2I&fp=8f69f8ec8fa7f531&biw=1366&bih=639   style

Friday, March 1, 2013

Here goes nothing...

Here is the of my project. I am using googly eyes because I did not feel like spending over 20 dollars on Melty beads. Then in sharpie draw an eye of some sort... Kinda like this one >